Situation Update for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Minnesota Dept. of Health

Situation Update for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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Not all cases of COVID-19 are tested, so it is not representative of the total number of people in Minnesota who have or had COVID-19.

Data is for cases that were tested and returned positive. Numbers are cumulative since Jan. 20, 2020. All data are preliminary and may change as cases are investigated.

Updated March 31, 2020


Total approximate number of completed tests: 19,780

  • Total approximate number of completed tests from the MDH Public Health Lab: 8,104
  • Total approximate number of completed tests from external laboratories: 11,676

Minnesota Case Information

  • Total positive: 629
    • Patients who no longer need to be isolated: 288
    • Deaths: 12
Cumulative total and daily confirmed cases in Minnesota: Date reported, Positive cases, Total Positive:
3/6, 1,	1
3/7, 0, 1
3/8, 1,	2
3/9, 0, 2
3/10, 1, 3
3/11, 2, 5
3/12, 4, 9
3/13, 5, 14
3/14, 7, 21
3/15, 14, 35
3/16, 19, 54
3/17, 6, 60
3/18, 17, 77
3/19, 12, 89
3/20, 26, 115
3/21, 22, 137
3/22, 32, 169
3/23, 66, 235
3/24, 26, 261
3/25, 26, 287
3/26, 59, 346
3/27, 52, 398
3/28, 43, 441
3/29, 62, 503
3/30, 73, 576
3/31, 53, 629


  • Total cases requiring hospitalization: 112
    • Hospitalized as of today: 56
      • Hospitalized in ICU as of today: 26


Age Range for confirmed COVID-19   cases in Minnesota: Age range,	number positive:
0 - 5 years, 3
6 - 19 years, 17
20 - 44 years, 277
45 - 64 years, 209
65+ years, 123
  Median Age Age Range
All cases 46 5 months - 104 years
Non-hospitalized cases 42 5 months - 104 years
Hospitalized cases 63 6 - 95 years
Hospitalized cases in ICU 62 33 - 95 years
Deaths 86 58 - 95 years

  • Gender: 52% female, 48% male, 0% other

Cases by County of Residence

County of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed. The data on this map may not equal the total number of reported positive cases.

County Cases
Anoka 23
Beltrami 4
Benton 1
Big Stone 1
Blue Earth 9
Brown 2
Carlton 1
Carver 10
Cass 1
Chisago 3
Clay 6
Clearwater 2
Cottonwood 2
Dakota 47
Dodge 8
Douglas 1
Faribault 2
Fillmore 8
Goodhue 3
Hennepin 204
Isanti 2
Itasca 1
Jackson 1
Kandiyohi 2
Lac qui Parle 1
Le Sueur 15
Lincoln 1
Lyon 1
Mahnomen 1
Martin 25
Meeker 1
Mower 13
Nicollet 3
Olmsted 53
Otter Tail 1
Ramsey 56
Renville 1
Rice 3
Scott 10
Sherburne 8
Sibley 1
St. Louis 12
Stearns 5
Steele 6
Traverse 2
Wabasha 6
Waseca 3
Washington 39
Watonwan 1
Wilkin 1
Winona 10
Wright 6

We will not release specific locations for any patients being tested in order to protect patient privacy.

Choosing a county on the interactive map above will provide the case count, the legend is located in the upper left. This map will not work if your browser is in compatibility mode.

Health professionals evaluating a patient for suspected coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), should follow guidance for Evaluating and Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

2020 News Releases

For more information about the outbreak, potential risks, and protective recommendations, see CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Updated Tuesday, 31-Mar-2020 13:45:08 CDT